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WHO ARE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES?  Question # 2, presented by,

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Moorish AI - a Tuition-Free Online platform for Moorish American Education, Moorish History, and Moorish Psychology, designed to develop Strategic-Thinking, Strategic Planning, and Integrity, being constructed, programmed, and copyrighted, by Lonnie Bray EL, as you read this.

Who are Indigenous Peoples?

A.  All over the world, Indigenous Peoples are the Original People of a land, the First People and their descendants.


What’s the difference between Indigenous Peoples and Native Peoples?


A. Native Peoples are the oldest known, but not necessarily the First Peoples. This is why it is important for Indigenous Peoples to proclaim Indigenous, not simply Native status. Indigenous is the stronger claim. Some Indigenous Americans identify as Moorish Americans. Other examples of Indigenous American Identities are Los Moros, Moors, Moors who go by American, Rara Moori in Mexico who outran slavery, Quechua in Peru, Inca meaning Bey, and the Garifuna People.Examples of Native Americans, but not Indigenous Americans are the Navaho and Hopi Peoples, who know about underground cities, make the Moor dolls called Kachina, and tell ancient stories of the dark Moor Gods who built the Pyramids and underground cities. Mooroons, also known as Maroons and Cimarooms, for example, Jamaicans and Black Siminole, are not from America and seperated their identity from Moors. They are not Moorish Americans by thier own claims. Garifuna may identify as Moor, Los Moros, or Mooroon, but are Indigenous to America.Moorish Americans are of the opinion that, because the Bloods of so many so-called ‘melanated peoples’ of America are mixed that all may join Moors under the banner, Moorish American.


Question #2b - Who are Indigenous Americans?


A. Indigenous Americans are first and foremost Those Who Make the Claim to Being Indigenous Americans, such as Moorish Americans. Others claim simply that they are Native American, which is a good and strong status. However, others claim to be American Indian. India is a place other than America and now everyone who investigates can easily find out that a European made a mistake by refering to Americans as Indians, because he mistook America for India. Now that we know that America is not India, those so-called Americans who refer to themselves as Indian do so, because of government priveledges and access to resources, but at the detriment to being excluded as Indigenous Americans. So if you want to know who is Indigenous American, pay attention for who raises thier hand when the question is asked.Do you want to know if you have Indigenous American Ancestry?A. There is a simple test that elders utilize in order to determine if you are a part.

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